Where stories can lead

I moved to London because of stories. I started yoga because of a book. I started parkour because of video games. In summer 2017, I had been living in London for a year and a half and I was at a yoga studio in Camden Town. My tummy had been hurting and I needed to exercise….

Slice of Life

Bluebells in Oxford, UKApril 2018 Hollyhock, Barbican, London, UKJuly 2020 I would wash myself in these pictures of plum trees and apple blossoms, sakura pink, bluebell, green, purple and smooth, all over again, until I’m drowning in petals like guests of Roman emperors, metaphorically – the idea behind art, no, the idea behind reality, without…

The Garden of Worlds

A faint clap of thunderClouded skiesPerhaps rain comesIf so, will you stay here with me? Yukari in The Garden of Words by Shinkai Makoto, from Man’yōshū, Book 11, verse 2,513 1 – The Garden of Worlds, part 1 As the clouds start to gather ominously over me, I walk faster on this forest lane. I…


Bones Bones, Baphomet horns and black lipstick – My very visual way to represent Death and what my little six year old neighbour called a “belated Halloween costume – I’m not scared!!”. I wasn’t trying to scare anyone, but it’s true that Halloween is supposed to be a moment when the bridges between the worlds…


Brutalist maze under a blue haze I promised more pictures from the Barbican photoshoot with capturingemotions.co.uk  in the previous article, Outpost, and here they are! A concrete opening for a cobalt opera Brutalism is an architectural style that started in the 1950s. Often massive, with concrete blocks prone to urban decay and fortress-like features, brutalist…


Dress from Asos, Club L harness maxi dress Two months ago, I modeled for capturingemotions.co.uk again, a great experience as usual. This time, we went to the Barbican Estate in London. There will be another post after this one from the same location, focusing on one of these outfits. Old dress from Zara, bra by…