Slice of Life

Bluebells in Oxford, UKApril 2018 Hollyhock, Barbican, London, UKJuly 2020 I would wash myself in these pictures of plum trees and apple blossoms, sakura pink, bluebell, green, purple and smooth, all over again, until I’m drowning in petals like guests of Roman emperors, metaphorically – the idea behind art, no, the idea behind reality, without…

Redbubble prints

Do you know Redbubble? It’s a good place to look for original designs, as artists can upload their stuff and you can have them printed as posters, but also skirts or bath mats!… I looked at their FAQ before registering, they seem ethical, and the prints are of very good quality. My account there is…

Misty Mountains, Medieval Monuments

Sion, Switzerland, December 2018 Twin Peaks In Sion, two hills face each other, themselves surrounded by gorgeous mountains. One hosts the Tourbillon Castle, the other Valère Basilica, and these dramatic sounding names were a perfect metaphor for discovering the twin peaks under the rain and the mist. Snowy Slopes Higher on the mountains, the snow…

City Cosmonaut – Part 2

The Moscow-smonaut is back! Through a time portal… So, I’m wearing the same outfit as on Part 1. The location is different though. Here, I’m exploring the city and its urban art, especially Flacon, with Isabelle Touyarou, the photographer. Flacon used to be a glass factory and now it’s a home for creative workshops, shops…

City Cosmonaut – Part 1

Am I a Moscow-smonaut?… The photoshoot in Moscow with Isabelle Touyarou was otherworldly. I love snow and interesting places, so you can imagine I was very pleased we shot in some amazing locations. There will be more pictures coming from the session in the next few weeks! Here I decided to be all galaxy-themed, as…

Moscow and Margarita

Have you read The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov? It’s a precious gift I received when I was a teenager by my Russian friend and it’s always been a favourite book of mine since then. A fantasy novel that is also a political satyre of Moscow in the 1930s, it features the devil, a…